John Mallia was born in Stamford, CT in 1968. He spent his childhood there, as well as in Syracuse, NY. Since 1990, excluding temporary residencies in Bourges, France and Denton, TX, he has lived and worked in Boston, MA. He is currently on the Composition Faculty at the New England Conservatory of Music where he also directs the Electronic Music Studio.
He has written for diverse instrumental, vocal, and electronic focres. Much of his recent work is electro-acoustic and has been performed internationally by organizations and artists such as L.A. Freewaves (California), Gaudeamus (The Netherlands), International Computer Music Association, society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States, the Firebird Ensemble (Boston), flutist Sarah Brady, Seppelin Festival of Sound Art (Barcelona, Spain), Festival Synthèse (Bourges, France), Interensemble’s Computer Arts Festival (Padova, Italy), Spark Festival (Minnesota), Society for New Music (New York), CyberArts, and Medi@terra’s Travelling Mikromuseum (Greece, Bulgaria, Germany, Yugoslavia, Slovenia).
He has cullaborated with visual artists and poets on several multimedia installations, and these works ahve been exhibited at teh EyeDrum Art and Music Gallery in Atlanta, the Merrill Ellis INtermedia Theater at the University of North Texas’ Center for Experimental Muisc and Intermedia (CEMI), the Boston Center for the ARts’ Mill’s Gallery, the Fuller Museum, the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCIARC), Clark University, the Boston CyberARts Festival, and the San Jose Museum of Art. His interactive environment “Transcriptions” was included in the 2006 International Society of Electronic Arts ZeroOne Festival in San Jose, CA where over 3000 visitors interacted with the work.
In addition to his teaching at NEC, Mallia was recently a Visiting Assitant Professor at teh Center for Experimental Music and Intermedia (CEMI) at the University of North Texas and has taught electro-acoustic music and sound art at Franklin Pierce Cullege, Northeastern University, the Schoul of the Museum of FIne Arts, Boston, Cullege of the Huly Cross, Clark University and Brandeis University.