
Peter Flint at Bargemusic

September 24, 2014
8:00 pmto10:00 pm


New Music for Violin and Piano

Gregory Fulkerson, violin
Thomas Rosenkranz, piano

Wed, September 24, 2014

Hear and Now Series at Bargemusic
Brooklyn, NY

Tickets: $35 ($30 Senior, $15 Student)
Available for purchase here.

Internationally acclaimed performers Gregory Fulkerson and Thomas Rosenkranz will be making a stop in New York on their current East Coast tour to perform a concert of new music for violin and piano that explores the musical territory of post-minimalism. The program, featuring the music of living American composers, will be trace the progress of new music from the latter end of the minimal movement into the current post-minimal era. It will include music by:

John Adams
Conrad Cummings
Stephen Dembski
Peter Flint
Philip Glass
Andrew Shapiro

Anyone with an interest in chamber music, contemporary composition, and virtuosic performances will not want to miss this concert!


September 28, 2014
3:00 pmto5:00 pm

New Music for Violin and Piano



Gregory Fulkerson, violin
Thomas Rosenkranz, piano

Sunday, September 28, 2014


The Barn at Flintwoods
205 Centre Meeting Road
Greenville, Delaware
Directions here.

Suggested Donation: $10 Adults/$5 Seniors / Students FREE
Reservations recommended. Click here.

Internationally acclaimed performers Gregory Fulkerson and Thomas Rosenkranz will be making a stop in Delaware on their current East Coast tour to perform a concert of new music for violin and piano that explores the musical territory of post-minimalism. The program, featuring the music of living American composers, will be trace the progress of new music from the latter end of the minimal movement into the current post-minimal era. It will include music by:

John Adams
Conrad Cummings
Stephen Dembski
Peter Flint
Philip Glass
Andrew Shapiro

Anyone with an interest in chamber music, contemporary composition, and virtuosic performances will not want to miss this concert!

For more information, visit:
Avian Music


The Barn at Flintwoods

or email:

info (at)

New Afro-Cuban chamber music in Sept!

September 16, 2014 8:00 pmtoSeptember 29, 2014 9:00 pm

I’m very excited about my latest piece, We Speak Too Much of Danger, for violin and piano and scheduled to be premiered by the fantastic and internationally acclaimed Gregory Fulkerson and Thomas Rosenkranz in September in Ohio, New York, and Delaware.

The piece is inspired by a recent trip to Havana, Cuba and uses as its starting point the rhythms of Afro-Cuban music. I had a great time writing this piece and working very closely with Greg and Tom through a number of drafts and revisions as we tightened and tweaked the work.

It will be featured on a program entitled “Beyond Minimalism” which will explore the progress of contemporary music from the late Minimal era into our current Post-Minimal era. The program will include music by Philip Glass, John Adams, Conrad Cummings, Peter Flint, Stephen Dembski, and Andrew Shapiro, much of which is new music written for Greg and Tom for this program.

Performance Information:

Sept. 16, 8pm – Bowling Green State University, Ohio
College of Musical Arts, Bryan Hall

Sept. 17, 8pm – Oberlin, Ohio
Oberlin Conservatory Kulas Recital Hall

Sept 24 – Brooklyn, NY
Here and Now Series at Barge Music

Sept 28, 3pm – The Barn at Flintwoods, Wilmington, Delaware

Accordion in City Hall Park

June 21, 2014
2:00 pmto7:00 pm

On June 21 in City Hall Park, NYC, I’ll be playing solo accordion at 2pm (featuring jazz, classical, and maybe some original music) and then at 5pm I’ll be performing with an accordion quartet playing classical and contemporary music with Rob Duncan, Denise Koncelik, and Mayumi Miyaoka. In between there will be other accordionists performing as well. All part of the Make Music NY summer solstice festival. I believe the day will culminate in a massed accordion performance of Terry Riley’s In C at 7pm.

It promises to be good fun. Come drop by and hang out in one of NYC’s lovely pocket-sized parks!


Solo Accordion in Bryant Park

June 10, 2014
5:00 pmto6:00 pm

At 5pm on June 10, I will be performing solo accordion music in Bryant Park, NYC for an hour as part of the Accordions Around the World Festival. It’s a great afterwork festival in the park every Tuesday, featuring six different accordionist playing in different corners of the park. You can wander around and take us all in.

I’ll be playing some classical, some jazz, as well as a few other more odd-ball pieces. Rain or shine. If it looks wet, they’ll put a tent over me!

So if you’re in the neighborhood, stop by after work and chill out in the park. Should be a very pleasant time.


Summer Projects 2014

Lots of accordion related projects and performances upcoming:

  • June 10, 5pm – Performing solo accordion music in Bryant Park, NYC as part of the Accordions Around the World Festival.
  • June 21, 2pm, 5pm– Performing solo accordion at 2pm and quartet music at 5pm in City Hall Park, NYC.  Classical, jazz, contemporary music, and more – with Robert Duncan, Mayumi Miyaoka, and Denise Koncelik as part of the Make Music NY day.
  • July 15, 5pm – back in Bryant Park again playing more accordion quartet music with Mayumi Miyaoka, Robert Duncan, and Denise Koncelik as part of the Accordions Around the World Festival.
  • Aug 1-3, 7pm each day – Performing on William Schimmel’s Master Class and Concert Series 2014 at the Tenri Cultural Institute. I’ll be doing several solo performances including a new composition of my own, Paganini’s In There Somewhere, as well as some ragtime accordion and a classic work by Carmelo Pino.
  • Sept 9 – Official release on Naxos Records of Oberlin Conservatory’s recording of my piece for piano and electronics, ElectroSonata:Spontaneous Combustion, performed by the incredible Thomas Rosenkranz. Available in Blue-Ray surround as well as stereo!
  • Late Sept 2014 – Working a new piece for violin and piano to be premiered by Gregory Fulkerson; based on afro-Cubans rhythms inspired by Peter’s recent professional research trip to Havana, Cuba with the American Composers Forum. Performances in Ohio, Delaware, and (hopefully) NYC.

Thanks for your interest! Hope to see you at a performance soon!

Sheetflow Songs Sept. 20

September 20, 2013
8:00 pmto10:00 pm

by Peter Flint, Ben Kaplan, and Dorothy Simpson Krause

Sheetflow Songs – “Halfway” from Peter Flint/Avian Orchestra on Vimeo.

Friday, Sept. 20, 2013
The Cell NYC

338 West 23rd Street (between 8th and 9th Avenues)

TICKETS: General admission tickets are available for $15 in advance, $20 at the door.
Buy tickets online here now:

On Friday, Sept. 20th, 2013, Ben Kaplan and I will present a special live performance of Sheetflow Songs, our extended song cycle without words for accordion, electric guitar, electronics, and video. In addition, the program will open with a set of music by pianist/composer Andrew Shapiro with violinist Gregory Fulkerson.

You can listen to a recording of Sheetflow Songs online here:


Sheetflow Songs

June 22, 2012
7:30 pmto9:00 pm

Peter Flint & Ben Kaplan

Friday, June 22, 2012

571 Projects
551 West 21st Street at 11th Avenue, Unit 204A
New York City

Admission: Free!!!

For the past several months, guitarist Ben Kaplan and I have been collaboratively composing music inspired by Dorthothy Simpson Krause’s gorgeous series of photographs of the Everglades, entitled River of Grass. On June 22 at 7:30pm, we will be performing the fruits of our labors in the presence of the artwork at 571 Projects in Chelsea, NYC. I will be playing accordion with electronics while Ben will be performing on guitar and synthesizer.

“Sheetflow” is a term referring to the broad wide slow flow of water through the Everglades, and in a loose way our music mirrors this slow massive flowing. For Ben, whose background is in post-metal music and for me, coming from a classical tradition, this is a significant stylistic departure that takes us both into new and unexpected musical territory. This short set of wordless songs is our only scheduled performance of this music at the moment so don’t miss this chance to hear it!

571 Projects is a lovely pocket-sized art gallery in Chelsea in just about the last building of artists studios left in Manhattan. Unfortunately this is the last show at this gallery as the building is slated to be torn down in September to make way for more luxury condos. Gallery owner, Sophie Brechu West, has really poured her heart and soul into the place. Please come out and show your support for the space, the art and the music at this one of a kind event.

Admission is FREE!
But space is limited so please RSVP to [email protected] so we have a rough headcount and enough seating in place.

April 28 with Oberlin Alumni

April 28, 2012
7:30 pmto9:00 pm

Peter Flint to perform
with Oberlin Conservatory Alumni

Peter Flint, composer and accordionistSaturday, April 28, 2012


Dimenna Center
Mary Flagler Cary Hall
450 West 37th Street
New York City, NY

On Saturday, April 28, I will be performing my composition, Vegetative Statesfor solo accordion and electronics on a program of music by Oberlin Conservatory of Music alumni. I premiered this piece last fall with The Avian Orchestra to strong response and I have extended and reworked it for this upcoming performance.It will be a widely varied evening of great music and performances by a number of very talented Oberlin alumni. The program will have something for everyone, ranging from classical to contemporary to jazz to folk/pop. I will be performing first on the concert, which starts at 7:30pm, so don’t be late if you don’t want to miss me!Best of all is the ticket price – ABSOLUTELY FREE, thanks to the generosity of Oberlin and its alumni. Even better, your ticket price includes a reception with food and drink afterwards! You do not have to have attended Oberlin to go, but they would like to know roughly how many are coming though, so if you would like to attend, please visit the following link to RSVP:RSVP for the OBERLIN NYC CELEBRATION CONCERT!!(If you have any trouble responding via this link, email me through the Contact link at the top right of this page  and I will add you to the list myself.)

“Vegetative States” with The Avian Orchestra

September 26, 2011
8:00 pmto10:00 pm

The Avian Orchestra returned this fall with a lush new program of music about plants. World premieres from Bret BatteyMax DuykersPeter Flint, and Jonathan Newman as well as new arrangements for the group by Michael Gandolfi from his acclaimed symphony The Garden of Cosmic Speculation. The orchestra performinged against a backdrop of video created by the composers with other collaborators. An evening of fun, progressive, and approachable new music with something for everyone. 

September 24, 2011, 8:00pm

The Barn at Flint Woods
205 Center Meeting Road
Greenville, Delaware

September 26, 2011, 8:00pm

The Cell
338 W. 23rd Street (bet. 8th and 9th Avenues)
New York, NY

Bret Battey-Clonal Colonies preview from Peter Flint/Avian Orchestra on Vimeo.
